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Cyberterrorism After Stuxnet by U.S. Army War College Press... ISBN: 9781505874587 List Price: $13.95
Visual Propaganda and Extremism in the Online Environment by U.S. Army War College Press... ISBN: 9781505874747 List Price: $19.95
Operational Reservations: Considerations for a Total Army Force by U.S. Army War College Press... ISBN: 9781505874860 List Price: $14.95
The Growing Complexity of Sino-Indian Ties by Strategic Studies Institute... ISBN: 9781505874808 List Price: $14.95
Russia's Contribution as a Partner in the War on Terrorism by Strategic Studies Institute... ISBN: 9781505874976 List Price: $14.95
The Proper Relationship Between the Army and the Press in War: Prepared by the War College D... by College, United States. Arm... ISBN: 9780243125043 List Price: $7.97
Perspectives on Embedded Media by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781542802727 List Price: $14.95
Elements of Strategic Vision by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781542811613 List Price: $12.95
Moving Beyond Pretense: Nuclear Power and Nonproliferation by Institute, Strategic, Press... ISBN: 9781515376774 List Price: $26.99
Getting to the Left of Sharp: Lessons Learned from West Point's Effort to Combat Sexual Hara... by U.S. Army War College Press... ISBN: 9781507646335 List Price: $14.95
Effective Use of Reserve Personnel in the U. S. Military: Lessons from the United Kingdom Re... by U.S. Army War College Press... ISBN: 9781507646083 List Price: $14.95
Russia's Homegrown Insurgency: Jihad in the Northern Caucasus by Strategic Studies Institute... ISBN: 9781782665052 List Price: $19.95
Comparing Strategies of the 2nd Punic War: Rome's Strategic Victory over the Tactical/Operat... by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781523674497 List Price: $12.95
The Indian Wars and American Military Thought 1865-1890 by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781519773265 List Price: $12.95
Brigadier General St. John R. Liddell's Division at Chickamauga: The Study of a Divisions Pe... by U.S. Army Command and Staf... ISBN: 9781522785880 List Price: $12.95
Civilian Contractors on the Battlefield: A Partnership with Commercial Industry of Recipe fo... by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781522786009 List Price: $12.95
The Patterns and Dynamics of Revolution: Insights into Iraq by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781522885658 List Price: $12.95
A Communicator's Guide to the Gettysburg Campaign (The American Civil War) by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781522868651 List Price: $12.95
The Melting Pot: America Is Lost Without It by U.S. Army War College, U. S... ISBN: 9781522931812 List Price: $12.95
The Role of Union Cavalry During the Atlanta Campaign (The American Civil War) by U.S. Army Command and Staf... ISBN: 9781522914136 List Price: $12.95
Preventing War: Special Operations Engagement in Support of Security Sector Reform by U.S Army Command and Staff... ISBN: 9781523442843 List Price: $12.95
Red River War 1874-1875: Evidence of Operational Art and Mission Command by U.S Army Command and Staff... ISBN: 9781523443246 List Price: $12.95
Effectiveness of Mao's Influence Operations at the Beginning of the Chinese Civil War by U.S Army Command and Staff... ISBN: 9781523443109 List Price: $12.95
Strategic Dissonance: British Middle East Command in World War II by U.S Army Command and Staff... ISBN: 9781523439676 List Price: $12.95
Search for a Cold War Grand Strategy by United States Army Command ... ISBN: 9781523455539 List Price: $12.95
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